6 de enero de 2008


El primer post del año comienza con un tema importante: la desinformación. Esto es mostrar los hechos y datos de tal modo, para que quien lea rápidamente un artículo comprenda algo totalmente distinto a lo que verdaderamente aconteció.

Cómo no podía ser de otra manera, el diario Clarín es quien ahora lo hace. No es raro que el diario con mayor circulación en el país cuya ideología es mezclando lo progre y lo de centro con profundo anti americanismo, sea de la partida.

Resulta que Clarín titula en su versión digital un soldado iraquí mató a dos militares de EE.UU.. El artículo en cuestión informa que este soldado mató de repente en una joint operation de las ISF y el US Army, a un capitán y un sargento. Claro, uno después de leer esto piensa: seguramente el ejército iraquí está lleno de soldados con odio a los americanos y cuya única intención es meterles plomo en el momento propicio.

Pero como desde un principio dudé de la veracidad de esta historia, o más bien de como son relatados los hechos, fui al Google para ver qué decían otros servicios informativos. Al parecer según la investigación que lleva a cabo un oficial iraquí, este soldado asesino tendría relaciones con grupos insurgentes. Lo cual obviamente lo convertiría en un infiltrado que persigue los fines terroristas de esos grupos pero por otros medios. Aunque Clarín se olvida de mencionar ese importante detalle, que de conocerse brindaría una visión radicalmente opuesta a la idea que uno se hace cuando lee lo que se ha escrito sin el mismo.

Yo sé que es demasiado pedirle a estos muchachos que informen mejor a pesar de su claro anti americanismo, pero hacerle honor a la verdad no vendría mal. Probablemente la idea que intentaron plasmar en la gente ya esté creada, pero desde este humilde lugar intentaremos mostrar otra cosa.

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Un clásico de Clarín.

Anónimo dijo...

¿Acaso para Clarín los palestinos terroristas y asesinos no son "militantes" o "luchadores"?

Sine Metu dijo...

jaja, milicianos

Mike dijo...

Extracto de "Magic", por Bill Whittle

Ask any professional magician how they pull off their illusions and every last one will tell you it’s all about misdirection. Sadly, those boring, insensitive, dead-white-male laws of physics don’t allow for quarters to disappear into thin air. So to make someone believe that precisely this has happened, we need to physically make that coin go someplace where it is not expected. And the way to do that is to make everyone look somewhere else for a moment.

Humans have retained several reflexes, and for good reason too – they keep us alive. All of today’s animals are reflexively attracted to fast motion in their field of vision. There were undoubtedly many animals that did not have this brain wiring, and these extinct animals are known by the scientific name, breakfast. Whether you’re a two-ounce tree shrew or a one-ton wildebeest, if something moves fast in the bushes, it would behoove you to give it your undivided attention.

This is hard-wired, and there’s not a damn thing we can do about it. So watch a magician carefully next time he makes a coin disappear. You’ll see one hand move quickly – and that is the hand you will watch. Coin’s in the other hand.


Now to show you how this works in the real world, I need to tell you a story about a real man named Robert Wayne Jernigan. I guarantee you this story will make you very angry, but this is the kind of world we live in today.

Robert Wayne Jernigan is now 28 years old. People who knew him said he was quiet, somewhat stand-offish. He was not widely liked in high school.

Four years ago, a witness reported seeing Jernigan enter a building in a remote suburb of Dallas with an axe. Four people were found dead at the scene, including a nine year old girl. No charges were filed. Less than two days later, Jernigan turned up again, this time at the scene of a suspicious fire in a day care center. Miraculously, no one was injured. But it was just a matter of time.

During the next several weeks, it is possible to place Jernigan at the scene of no less than thirteen suspicious fires. Eleven people died. Eyewitnesses were unshakable in their determination that Jernigan had been on the scene. And yet the police did nothing.

Jernigan had long been fascinated with fire. A search of his apartment revealed fireman-related magazines, posters and memorabilia. Despite the deaths of fifteen people, despite repeated eyewitness accounts and photographic evidence placing Jernigan at these fires, no criminal charges were ever filed against Robert Wayne Jernigan. He remains a free man to this day.

And rightfully so. Because Robert Wayne Jernigan is an ordinary fireman for the Dallas Fire Department. He is not a serial arsonist at all.

Now re-read the previous paragraphs and tell me where I lied.

Everything I told you was factually true. But the spin, the context, the misdirection… The press always reports serial killers with all three names – Robert Wayne Jernigan sounds a hell of a lot more ominous than Bobby Jernigan. Quiet, stand-offish, not widely liked – instant psychopath, if you read the papers. Entered the building with an axe – oooh! That ought to get the blood boiling. That the people had died from smoke inhalation I decided was irrelevant to the story…

And so on. And so on.

This is how you lie by telling the truth. You tell the big lie by carefully selecting only the small, isolated truths, linking them in such a way that they advance the bigger lie by painting a picture inside the viewer’s head. The Ascended High Master of this Dark Art is Noam Chomsky.

(lean el resto....)