"Speedboats, believed to belong to Iran's Revolutionary Guards, came within about 200m of the US vessels, Pentagon officials said.
"I am coming at you. You will explode in a couple of minutes," the Iranians said in a radio transmission, according to US officials.
The Iranian boats were operating at "distances and speeds that showed reckless, dangerous and potentially hostile intent," said Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman.
He said at least some of the boats were visibly armed.
US sailors assumed battle stations and the captain on one of the ships was about to order an attack when the Iranian boats turned away, dropping unidentified objects in the path of the vessel, US officials said. " (*)
"I am coming at you. You will explode in a couple of minutes," the Iranians said in a radio transmission, according to US officials.
The Iranian boats were operating at "distances and speeds that showed reckless, dangerous and potentially hostile intent," said Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman.
He said at least some of the boats were visibly armed.
US sailors assumed battle stations and the captain on one of the ships was about to order an attack when the Iranian boats turned away, dropping unidentified objects in the path of the vessel, US officials said. " (*)
Parece que después del ejemplo de Huguito con la Operación Emmanuel, a todos se les dió por hacerse los machos.
6 comentarios:
Habría que recordarle a Mahmmoud la cita que dice "Dime de que te jactas y te diré de que careces".
Me gusta la audacia de tu blog.
Un abrazo,
Esto hace rato que lo hacen.
Mas que para probar defensas o ataques lo hacen solo para propaganda que emiten en la tv irani afirmando que los gomones "ahuyentan" a los poderos barcos americanos.
Gracias Manuel y Beto por comentar.
Y gracias Manuel por el elogio que nos toca.
Se me ocurre que también deben estar buscando un incidente que deje mal parado a EEUU.
Provocan para que alguien dé una orden de obliterate el barquito y así poder dar lástima y mostrarle al mundo lo insensibles que son los genocidas imperialistas.
Los piqueteros (que son amigos del régimen iraní) hacen lo mismo. Provocan esperando ansiosamente un muerto en sus propias filas.
Gracias a vos Blogbis !!!
Aceca de Iran y la propaganda pueden ver los programas en www.medinalia.com
Traten de enganchar los noticieros, no se necesita saber persa, solo con ver las imagenes basta y sobra.
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