Habiéndome referido al
respeto por la libertad de prensa de la funcionaria K encargada de garantizar que ningún habitante de este país sea discriminado creo que viene a cuento enterarnos de esto:
Le Québécois Libre veo esta declaración del editor de la revista Western Standard, acusado por haber publicado las famosas caricaturas danesas, ante la Alberta Human Rights Commission .
I am here at this government interrogation under protest. It is my position that the government has no legal or moral authority to interrogate me or anyone else for publishing these words and pictures. That is a violation of my ancient and inalienable freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of the press and, in this case, religious freedom and the separation of mosque and state. The commission was meant to deal with deeds, not words or ideas. Now the commission, which is funded by a secular government, from the pockets of taxpayers of all backgrounds, is taking it upon itself to be an enforcer of the views of radical Islam. So much for the separation of mosque and state.
The commissions have leapt out of the small cage they were confined to, and are now attacking our fundamental freedoms. We have a heritage inherited from Great Britain that goes back to the year 1215 and Magna Carta. We have a heritage of 800 years of British common law protection for speech, augmented by 250 years of common law in Canada.
For a government bureaucrat to call any publisher or anyone else to an interrogation to be quizzed about his political or religious expression is a violation of 800 years of common law, a Universal Declaration of Rights, a Bill of Rights and a Charter of Rights. This commission is applying Saudi values, not Canadian values. Common law rules of evidence don't apply. Rules of court don't apply. It is a system that is part Kafka, and part Stalin.
2 comentarios:
Mark Steyn dice que Canadá es un país europeo ubicado por esas cosas de la geografía en América. Van a formar parte del Emirato.
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