14 de noviembre de 2008


No será precisamente una llegada triunfal.
Cuando aterrice hoy aquí con su receta para cambiar el orden financiero mundial, la presidenta Cristina Kirchner se topará con señales sutiles de la irrelevancia en la que ha caído la Argentina en el mapa del poder durante los últimos años.

La Nación

Yet for three reasons it is still a meeting worth having.
The first is that this could mark the beginning of a better multilateral economic system. The G20, created after the emerging-market crises a decade ago, is not perfect for today’s problems. It excludes a big economy with an admired system of financial regulation (Spain) but includes a mid-sized country that has become irrelevant to global finance because of its own mismanagement (Argentina).
Still, the G20 includes most of the key parts of the rich and emerging world, making it a better forum for global economic co-operation than the G7 group of rich countries, which has until now held the stage.


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