1 de diciembre de 2008

La heroína fluye en Irán (de esto no se habla)

Global opiate abuse has stabilised at an estimated 15.6 million people, or 0.4 per cent of the world’s population aged 15-64.
Opiates continue to be the main problem drug worldwide, accounting for some 60 per cent of treatment demand in Asia and in Europe.
More than half of the world’s opiates using population lives in Asia, with the highest levels of abuse occurring along the main drug trafficking routes out of Afghanistan.

Annual prevalence of opiates, including heroin, is high in the Islamic Republic of Iran where the number of drug abusers is said to exceed 1.2 million (2.8 percent of the general population aged 15-64).

Office on Drugs and Crime - United Nations

Espero que la progresía bienpensante buenista y multiculturalista de la que hablaba Carlos -y tan proclive al cualquiercosismo inmoral le agregaría yo- no comience el delirio y diga que ese informe es una operación basura del imperio.

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