12 de febrero de 2009

The Traveller

"At the A. Medio the bright red Pampean mud contains scarcely any tosca-rock; whilst at a short distance the stream of the Pabon, forms a cascade, about twenty feet in height, over a cavernous mass of two varieties of tosca-rock; of which one is very compact and semicrystalline, with seams of crystallised carbonate of lime: similar compact varieties are met with on the Salidillo and Seco. The absolute identity (I speak after a comparison of my specimens) between some of these varieties, and those from Tapalguen, and from the ridge south of Bahia Blanca, a distance of 400 miles of latitude, is very striking. 
At Rosario there is but little tosca-rock: near this place I first noticed at the edge of the river traces of an underlying formation, which, twenty-five miles higher up in the estancia of Gorodona, consists of a pale yellowish clay, abounding with concretionary cylinders of a ferruginous sandstone."

Descripción del terreno pampeano al pasar por Rosario, en viaje hacia Paraná. Escrito en 1833 por Charles Darwin, una verdadera mente brillante. Se cumplen hoy 200 años de su nacimiento. 

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

y pervive

Martín Benegas dijo...

Y todavía algunos curas no aceptan sus teorías.