25 de marzo de 2009

Sin fondo

Visto en Facebook:

Argentina Downgraded to Kazakhstan on Foreign Fund Restrictions

  • I don’t think anyone has successfully predicted the moves of this government, to put it mildly
  • It’s very hard for companies to make any investment plans when the government’s policies change every few weeks
  • The only thing this government can do is muddle through the next three years
  • I think the government confused the fact that it was coming out of a recession, and that the world was doing well, with its own policies
  • Now they’re finding out that it’s not that way
  • The way in which these decisions are being made is disastrous
  • Instability is being generated at the highest levels of the executive branch
  • This government is destroying the farming sector

Casi nada completamente nuevo, pero da cosa leerlo todo junto en un artículo de la prensa especializada extranjera.

2 comentarios:

Rāḥēl Reznik dijo...

Sí, no es nada nuevo, pero coincido que da impresión.

Voromir dijo...

Verse al espejo a veces da escalofríos. Caramba!