22 de mayo de 2009

Cut and Paste

Carta desde el ciberespacio nro. 212 del 21/5/2009:

Mientras, la Argentina es el único país del mundo que tiene estanflación (recesión con inflación), aunque ninguno de los dos fenómenos es admitido ni registrado por las estadísticas ni reconocido por el gobierno, que niega la realidad.


BCP Securities Global Economic and Financial Outlook:

Argentina (B3/B-): Scary Stuff

  • The looming possibility that the government will not win the midterm elections is creating an air of desperation in Buenos Aires. Former President Nestor Kirchner warned that the failure of his wife’s administration to win a majority in the legislature could return the country to the chaos of 2002.
  • The government is trying to improve its chances in the polls by pulling out the stops. Government spending is on the rise, leading to a recovery in construction activity. However, Argentine households are hoarding their cash until after the dust clears. Retails sales dropped in March, along with imports, confirming that consumers are sitting on the sidelines.
  • Grain plantings are also down by a fifth, due to the adversarial relationship with the government, lower commodity prices and drought conditions. This means that the Argentine recovery could still be several years away.

El FMI ve bien la región menos a la Argentina (Artículo del Cronista)


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