5 de mayo de 2009


"Eyes shone, cheeks were flushed, the inner light of universal benevolence broke out on every face in happy, friendly smiles."

"..there is always soma, delicious soma, half a gramme for a half-holiday, a gramme for a week-end, two grammes for a trip to the gorgeous East, three for a dark eternity on the moon..."

6 comentarios:

Martín Benegas dijo...

Muy bueno el nuevo look del blog!

Sine Metu dijo...

Cien repeticiones tres noches por semana durante cuatro años -pensó Bernard Marx, que era especialista en hipnopedia-. Sesenta y dos mil cuatrocientas repeticiones crean una verdad. ¡Idiotas!
Aldous Huxley (Un mundo Feliz)

BlogBis dijo...

"donde hay una necesidad hay un derecho", repetido 62.400 veces...

BlogBis dijo...

La versión 2.0 es todo obra y gestión de Klaus.

Se agradece y será recompensado a la brevedad con una concesión de servicios públicos, que Sine Metu y el Leprechaum ya la están negociando con De Vido.

Klaus Pieslinger dijo...

Bueno, gracias pero en esa negociación les ganaron de mano.
Aclaro que rechacé, no me junto con futuros perdedores...
(saben la torta de nuestro dinero que siguen manejando esos tipos... por Dios.)

Sine Metu dijo...

"In 1931, when Brave New World was being written, I was convinced that there was still plenty of time. The completely organized society, the scientific caste system, the abolition of free will by methodical conditioning, the servitude made acceptable by regular doses of chemically induced happiness, the orthodoxies drummed in by nightly courses of sleep-teaching -- these things were coming all right, but not in my time, not even in the time of my grandchildren....Twenty-seven years later,...I feel a good deal less optimistic... In the West,...individual men and women still enjoy a large measure of freedom. But...this freedom and even the desire for this freedom seem to be on the wane."
~ Aldous Huxley Brave New World Revisited 1958