Women in sunglasses and head scarves speaking through megaphones, brandishing cameras, carrying signs. When they first appeared, the photographs of the 2005 Tehran University women's rights protests were a powerful reminder of the true potential of Iranian women. They were uplifting, they featured women of many ages, and they went on circulating long after the protests themselves died down. Now they have been replaced by a far more brutal and already infamous set of images: the photographs and video taken last weekend of a young Iranian woman, allegedly shot by a government sniper, dying on the streets of Tehran.
Anne Applebaum sigue el hilo de lo que le contaba a Raquel la semana pasada: nadie sabe si el movimiento de estas semanas traerá un cambio ya en la estructura del régimen, pero no dudo que hay al menos media población -generalmente silenciada- que no sólo desea, sino que necesita menos teocracia y más liberalismo para empezar a vivir.
Tarde o temprano, el cambio lo traerán ellas.
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¡Algùn dìa podremos leer artìculos como el de Anne Applebaum en nuestros "grandes medios"?
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