If you are motivated by a humanitarian desire to help the poor -the ostensible mission of much of the modern liberal state- you must realize that nothing helps them more than the increased standard of living and economic opportunity brought about by the private sector.
Every government action that shrinks the private sector hurts the poor.
It hurts everyone else, too, except for the political class, and the plutocrats who find ways to shape legislation to their benefit… but it hurts the poor the most.
Consider the 'stimulus' travesty Obama and the Democrats shoved down the nation’s throat.
It stimulated nothing, and drained billions of dollars away from a private economy that could have used those resources better.
It wasn’t merely a waste of money.
The value of every wasted government dollar must be judged by what free enterprise could have accomplished with it.
The untold tragedy of the economy is the hidden story of all the things free people could do, if we started emptying out some of those fortresses in Washington and returning their money to them.
The economy we have today might make you angry, but the economy we could have should make you furious.
The Engine of Poverty, by Doctor Zero
De cómo a medida que más interviene el estado más aumenta la pobreza, de la eficacia de la iniciativa privada y del estancamiento provocado por los burócratas, y otras verdades.
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