1 de agosto de 2009

Hamas Pedophile

Marching in the way of their prophet.
The Tundra Tabloids doesn't want hear anyone claiming that these 'grooms' will be waiting 6-8 years for their wives to start their menstrual periods and mature into adults, before they pluck their prize.

Aquí, vía Nueva Europa.

2 comentarios:

perogrullo dijo...

¿En qué parte del Corán está ésto?
Digo, para, de existir la prueba, mostrársela a Ratzinger y demás capos religiosos, cuando pregonan el diálogo interreligioso...

JamesEJ dijo...

http://tinyurl.com/skynewshamas This story is a fraud. We don’t need to lie to expose the moral debasement of our enemies.

For those who think this video is authentic, and is what it is purported to be, consider this:

-Arab Muslim weddings - particularly the more traditional - segregate men and women. The presence of these little girls is allowed only because they are not of marriageable age.

-Hamas-dominated Muslim women - particularly those of marriageable age - are forced to wear hair covering or a full veil. These girls are not forced to do so because they are not of marriageable age.

Here is al-Jazeera's coverage. Notice the massively segregated seating. The women who are the brides are far apart from their grooms - on opposing sides of the stadium seating.