Women constitute an additional source of danger in rabbinic thinking, because their sexual appeal to men can lead to social disruption.
A significant argument for excluding women from synagogue participation rests on the talmudic statement, 'The voice of a woman is indecent' (BT Berakhot 24a). This idea emerges from a ruling that a man may not recite the Shema while he hears a woman singing, since her voice might divert his concentration from the prayer. Extrapolating from hearing to seeing, rabbinic prohibitions on male/female contact in worship eventually led to a physical barrier (mehitzah) between men and women in the synagogue, to preserve men from sexual distraction during prayer.
Indeed, viewing women always as a sexual temptation, rabbinic Judaism overall advises extremely limited contact between men and women who are not married to each other. This is to prevent inappropriate sexual contact, whether adulterous, incestuous, or simply outside of a married relationship.
My Jewish Learning
Tengan en cuenta que la cultura rabínica afirma que 'cualquier persona que enseña a su hija la Torah, le enseña la lascivia' [Mishná Sotah 3:4].
Después de semejante disparate, es fácil advertir que en ese ámbito puede suceder cualquier cosa.
Bueno, nunca entenderé por qué estas personas imaginan que las mujeres, las madres o las niñas del pueblo de Israel merecemos esos agravios.
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