27 de septiembre de 2009

Metiéndose la Jihad... en Hot Air!

Posted at 1:00 pm on September 27, 2009 by Ed Morrissey:

Our first impulse will be to laugh at the new tactic from al-Qaeda, but you won’t laugh for long when the BBC reminds us what this new development means for our existing security structure. A terrorist managed to blow himself up inside one of Saudi Arabia’s palaces by pretending to surrender himself to the head of counterterrorism. The prince had the terrorist flown to the palace to be debriefed, when the hidden explosive in the man’s colon exploded and “debriefed” him in a completely different way. The prince escaped serious harm, but as you can see, the explosive was effective otherwise (via HA reader Robert and BlogBis).

Hot Air

2 comentarios:

Klaus Pieslinger dijo...

De la mano de la fama siempre llegan los provilegios: no para de sonar el teléfono, unos tipos que insisten desesperadamente en ofrecerme productos de snack bar, a los gritos:

"Alá Snack Bar, Alá Snack Bar"...
y otras cosas que no entendí.
En fin.

BlogBis dijo...

Pero qué grande!
Congrats, Klaus... ahora me voy a atender a unos muchachos que con toallas envueltas en la cabeza preguntan abajo si yo soy BlogBis