Black sewage
Let's look at a few recent honorees... Al Gore, Yasir Arafat, Bishop Tutu, Jimmy Carter, The IAEA and Mohamed El Baradi, The UN and Kofi Anan, and Martti Ahtisaari.
They all endorse or have contributed in one or more of the following areas:
-Global warming
-Anti-Israel and even anti-Semitic rhetoric, books, actions and/or associates
-A desire for negotiations and even friendship with terrorist entities
-Tolerance and appeasement towards Islamists
-Anti-Americanism and support for unilateral American disarmament
-Extreme Left political and economic views
Now, there are some unworthy souls out there who would say that Barack Obama doesn't merit the Prize because nominations closed when he had only been in office a mere two weeks.
I submit that not only was he qualified when he was nominated, but that his brief tenure in office makes it even more clear that he is eminently deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize.
As a matter if fact, if some of the rumors about Bill Ayers and Obama's book "Dreams from my Father" are to be believed, the President may share something in common with yet another Nobel Prize honoree, Rigoberta Menchu.
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