Chatzot Tikkun (bis)
Rachel, our Mother, died on the 11th of Heshvan 3,562 years ago in the 2,208th year of creation or in 1553 BCE.
Every year we commerate the aniversary of her death known as her 'year' as it's called among Sephardic Jews or 'yahrzeit' as Ashkenazi Jews refer to it.
This year her yahrzeit/year will begin on Wednesday evening 28 October 2009 of the Gregorian (Civil) Calendar at sundown and her Years will last until Thursday evening at sundown.
The eve of her years/yahrzeit will be on Wednesday night 28 Oct 2009 after sundown...
women throughout the world will gather together in small groups to say Tehillim (Psalms) in memory of our Matriarch Rachel.
Never to give up!
Never dispair!
Those saying Tehillim should also pray for Israeli Soldiers who are missing in action.
Persist in your efforts on behalf of Am-Yisrael until He helps us reach our national destiny!
1 comentario:
Um... corresponde decirte "feliz día" entonces? Pregunto de puro ignorante, como siempre :)
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