In the Islamic concept of sex, there is virtually no room for female sensitivity, her likes and dislikes and the consideration of her sexual satisfaction.
It is nearly impossible for a Muslim woman to express her sexual desire.
If she is little demanding on sexual matters, she is treated as a whore.
The concept of sex in Islam is totally flawed, if not completely wrong.
It is solely based on the medieval and barbaric Arab/Bedouin culture where 'male orgasm' was the only concept of sex.
With this outdated idea of sex in Islam, it is impossible to have a sexually satisfying relationship except for gratifying one's base and raw carnal desire.
In Islam, keeping the virginity is the highest asset that a woman could possess.
There is no crime/sin as despicable as that of losing the virginity before a woman is married.
The thought of indulging in pre-marital sex by an adult woman is absolutely unthinkable in Islam (For men it is a different story altogether.
As we shall see later, it is possible for an unmarried Muslim man to be engaged in sex with slave-girls/captive/infidel women but not with free Muslim women).
Mind you, premarital sex is a serious crime that may involve severe punishment for the offender; one hundred Islamic lashing for the unmarried woman (or man) and stoning to death for the married woman (or man).
This punishment is hudud, which means that there is no way the offender can escape the severity of this kind of barbaric torment.
Once the punishment has been passed down, it must be carried out at any cost.
So much for Islamic mercy and tolerance! If you thought that I am being too critical, then please be reminded that in Islam, homicide is not such a serious offence as sex is.
That is to say, the punishment for a murder can be commuted to other sentence like Qias (retaliation) or Diya (blood money).
Now contrast this if you will, with the laws for sexual offences.
It looks like that taking a life is much simpler and easier than making love, especially for women, if we go by the Islamic rules. How barbaric and at the same time myopic view!
Who do you think is the ‘real’ owner of our sexual organs, in particular the sexual organs of women?
No, it is not we, the humankinds.
It is Islam.
Believe it or not, Islam owns the sexual organs of every Muslim man and woman in this universe, all of it, including even the pubic hairs that grow there!
Here is what the ahadith say about how to manage a woman’s pubic hair.
Wife must shave pubic hair if husband returns home at night after a long journey.
If you ever thought that Allah gave you the sexual organ for your use as per your desire, then perish that thought.
From birth to death, from adulthood to old age, from house to desert, every aspect of the use of your very own private part is controlled by innumerable, mindless, cruel and oftentimes utterly despicable Islamic rules as written in the Sha’ria, the so-called divine laws of Allah.
One may legitimately ask why Sha’ria does not control the use of sexual organs of animals like cows, goats, horses, pigs, lions, tigers, birds, snakes, turtles and all other species that engage in copulation for fun and/or reproduction.
It looks as if the animals have much more freedom on sexual activities than the human beings—the best creation of Allah!
Please give a serious thought on this and you cannot but be amazed by the downright infringement by Islam on the very basic right of a human being which is his/her privacy.
The extreme barbarism in Islam to control the innate, natural and instinctive sexual desire and its joy is particularly aimed at keeping the virginity of women intact at all cost even going to the extreme of execution of a woman who dare to express her sexual desire in an un-Islamic (read pre-marital or otherwise) way.
One may wonder why Islam is so utterly obsessed with the virginity of women.
Sex and Sexuality in Islam
Bueno, la verdad que artículo es larguísimo, y el autor analiza el tema en seis capítulos bastante extensos, y entra en detalles realmente asombrosos.
Lo cierto es que para el Islam el sexo significa el disfrute de un cuerpo femenino, como si fuéramos una especie de muñeca inflable pero de verdad.
La noción de que el sexo puede ser una experiencia muy feliz tanto para el hombre como para la mujer está completamente ausente en el concepto islámico.
En el Islam, el hombre es el actor y el que toma de decisiones en esta materia, y a otra cosa mariposa.
Para el Islam, las mujeres no debemos participar activamente en el acto sexual, porque sólo somos receptoras pasivas de la acción masculina, o sea nada más que una especie de instrumento para proporcionar placer al hombre.
Me pregunto si será por eso que el Islam cada día suma más adeptos.
Debo confesar que me han espantado varios -no musulmanes- que piensan igual, muy 'occidentales' todos ellos, por supuesto.
Bueno, la pretensión de integrar la cultura islámica al mundo libre es algo así como asociarse con los cavernícolas, o viajar a la prehistoria sin escalas.
A lo mejor a los que viven en la tierra de promisión el asunto no les interesa, y lo ven como algo demasiado remoto como para preocuparse.
Puede ser.
Donde estoy ahora, una alambrada [obviamente muy sofisticada y prácticamente invulnerable, pero alambrada al fin] me separa de esta gente, y mi percepción es ligeramente diferente.
Debo reconocer que en Israel la situación es paradójicamente mejor, comparando con lo que sucede en
Aquí ellos no quieren integrarse, sino sencillamente exterminarnos, y eso hace las cosas mucho más fáciles, porque elimina la gama de grises, y sólo queda el blanco y el negro..
2 comentarios:
El martes pasado, mientras volvía de los cursos en el último subte de la noche, subieron dos especímenes, hembra y macho, que -por la zona geográfica y el discurso acorde- deberían ser de Sociología. Ambos comentaban muy animados que la cultura islámica era "igualitaria", porque "el califa podía pasear por las calles junto a la gente común". Nada más que eso, una y otra vez. Luego enterraron sus cabezas en sendos libros.
Yo estaba demasiado cansado como para estrangularlos.
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