21 de octubre de 2009

Otra buena

A Royal Jordanian flight from Athens to Amman could have passed off as any other routine trip except this RJ 132 flight was a little different as it boasted a female pilot leading an all female crew.
Carol Rabadi captained her first flight of 100 passengers after working as a co-pilot for six years, a move that has been hailed as a new era set to end the male domination of the Jordanian aviation industry.
Carol Rabadi 'It was a wonderful feeling', Rabadi told Al Arabiya.
'It was a very safe and we proved ourselves as women without any problems'.

Al Arabiya News

Les confieso que esa no me la esperaba.
¿Alguien sabe qué está pasando?

4 comentarios:

Klaus Pieslinger dijo...

Ya lo dije en otros comments anteriores: Su entrada al mundo moderno les vendrá de la mano de las mujeres :)

Rāḥēl Reznik dijo...

Pi'Ks :)(:

daniel - דניאל dijo...

Supongo que Rania tiene mucho que ver con esto. Como sea, bien!

Beto dijo...

Hace rato que Jordania, comparada con el resto del mundo islamico, parece mas un pais occidental que uno arabe.