23 de octubre de 2009

Sadismo oficial

A Sudanese court on Thursday sentenced two women to 20 lashes for dressing 'indecently', an AFP reporter said.
The two women, who have not been identified, were arrested in Khartoum in July along with journalist-turned-activist Lubna Ahmed Hussein who spent a day in jail after refusing to pay a fine for wearing 'indecent trousers'.
'The two women wore trousers and no headscarf. The court therefore finds them guilty according the public order laws', Judge Hassan Mohammed Ali told an East Khartoum court.
'The fixed penalty is 20 lashes each and a fine of 250 Sudanese pounds ($100). If the fine is not paid, it would be one month in prison', the judge said.
Hussein last month opted for prison by refusing to pay the fine imposed by a Khartoum court for wearing trousers that the court ruled to be indecent.
She could have remained in jail for a month but was freed after one day when the journalists' union paid her fine.
Sudanese law in the conservative Muslim north stipulates a maximum of 40 lashes for wearing indecent clothing.

Al Arabiya

Pegarle a una mujer y sacarle su dinero tal vez les resulte estimulante.
Bueno, en realidad no lo sé.

4 comentarios:

Klaus Pieslinger dijo...

...lo que a su vez da lugar a otra clase de delitos: Muslim woman ‘blackmailed by couple who threatened to show family photos of her wearing Western clothes’.


Rāḥēl Reznik dijo...


Pablito dijo...

En occidente están insubordinadas y entregadas al cotorreo y a la reivindicación del género.

Hay que tenerlas cortitas como en Medio Oriente y sanseacabó!.

Pablito dijo...

Además la colita de la foto merece unas buenas palmadas.