Hamas Goes along with Corruption in Noah's Time and Now...
Hamas goes along with corruption both in today's world and in the Biblical story of Noah and the Flood, read last sabbath in synagogues around the world.
How so?
Hamas is a Hebrew word meaning brutality, thuggery, violence and the like.
It appears in [Genesis 6:11]
And the Earth became corrupt before God and the Earth was full of Hamas.
ותשׂחת הארץ לפני האלהים ותמלא הארץ חמס
vattishâchêth hâ'ârets liphnêyhâ'elohiym vattimmâlê' hâ'ârets hâmâs
vattishâchêth hâ'ârets liphnêyhâ'elohiym vattimmâlê' hâ'ârets hâmâs
Isn't that true today?
The earth is corrupt and full of violence, thuggery, brutality.
Who can deny it?
And an Arab/Muslim terrorist organization, named Hamas, is a major perpetrator of brutality and thuggery against Jews and against its own people. Yet, major governments, Western govts, that pose as defenders of civilization, the United Kingdom & United States and others, not to mention the European Union, court the Hamas.
Some want to bring it into 'the political process' for the sake of making peace with Israel, supposedly.
Yet Hamas's charter distinctly states the aim of destroying Israel, indeed, the charter expresses the aspiration to genocide of Jews.
This is done by quoting a medieval Muslim hadith tradition in Article 7.
To summarize: At Judgment Day the Muslims will kill Jews. The Jews will hide behind rocks and trees. The rocks and trees will address the Muslims, saying: A Jew is hiding behind me. Come kill him.
Emet m'Tsiyon
PS: no puedo estar quieta mucho tiempo. Les cuento que estoy viajando otra vez.
2 comentarios:
sumisión o violencia (la versión islámica de trick or treat que no dura una noche sino 365 días al año)
Klaus, este videito me hizo acordar a la sala de relojes del British Museum (imperdible)
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