26 de noviembre de 2009

Lo dijo ḥizbu-'llāh

Lebanon's new cabinet has agreed on a policy statement that acknowledges Hezbollah's right to use its weapons against Israel, despite disagreement by some members of the ruling majority.
Information Minister Tarek Mitri said late Wednesday after a cabinet committee set up to draft the statement met for the ninth time that an agreement had been reached.
He said the new statement will retain the same clause approved by the previous cabinet as concerns the arsenal of Hezbollah, which fought a devastating war with Israel in 2006 and is considered a terrorist organization by Washington.

Al Arabiya

Bueno, ḥizbu-'llāh cuenta con el apoyo pleno de Irán, obvio.
Y como para la progresía buenista la culpa de todo la tiene Israel, occidente hace la plancha mientras protesta airadamente por 'los asentamientos israelíes' en Judea y Samaria.

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