5 de noviembre de 2009

The planet earth is in real danger of being controlled by the Zionist thought-police

The Zionist state is accelerating its Hasbara campaign, by forming 'Internet Warfare Squads', their sole remit: to post pro-Israel responses on websites worldwide.
This assault on free speech and effectively muzzling any criticism of Israel is a tool which will be used in the public relations war, the Zionist thought police are only a click away.
Ynet news reports that the Israel Foreign Ministry intends to hire young people who speak at least one language and who study communication, political science, or law - or alternately, Israelis with military experience gained at units dealing with information analysis.

A budget of US$ 150,000 has been set aside to pay the bloggers who will serve the Zionist state. [...]

Soccer Dad

Bueno, últimamente estuve gastando bastante por encima de mi presupuesto, así que por las dudas les aclaro que quiero mi parte.

2 comentarios:

daniel - דניאל dijo...

Raquelita, buscate un sillón/reposera bien cómodo mientras esperas el cheque ;)

No se de donde salen estas burradas...

Rāḥēl Reznik dijo...

Yo sí sé, y vos también, obvio.