13 de diciembre de 2009

Muro egipcio en Gaza

Egypt has reportedly begun building an underground iron wall along its border with
the Gaza Strip in a major upgrading of its efforts to end smuggling through tunnels.
Egyptian security officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed that the wall project is under way.
Local residents reported Egyptian clearing work was in progress 90 metres from the
border over the last three weeks.
The Egyptian project comes at the encouragement of the US.
After Israel's devastating Operation Cast Lead in Gaza last winter, Washington took the lead in encouraging international efforts to stop smuggling of weaponry into the Strip through the tunnels.
Israeli defence officials say that the Qassam rockets that struck Israeli targets before and during the Gaza war came from Egypt via the tunnels.
But the underground links also form a vital lifeline for the passage of everyday necessities in the face of a draconian Israeli blockade of the Strip that has at times gone so far as to bar the import of pasta into the coastal enclave.
According to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, the wall will be 9-10km long and will be sunk 20-30m into the ground.
It is supposed to be impenetrable and impossible to melt.
It is not expected to halt smuggling completely, but to cut hundreds of existing tunnels and force diggers to go deeper than they have gone before.
Leaders of Hamas, the Islamist movement that rules the Gaza Strip, are believed to have been greatly dismayed by Egypt's willingness to implement the project while the Israeli blockade continues and while Egypt keeps its own crossing with the Strip closed.
But last night they declined to put their feelings on record, apparently wary of further antagonising Cairo, which is already angry over Hamas's refusal to sign an Egyptian-brokered national reconciliation deal with the rival Fatah movement.

The Independent

No cuesta mucho advertir el sutil antisemitismo del artículo: Israel bloquea, pero Egipto lo único que hace es mantener el paso cerrado.

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