10 de diciembre de 2009

No choice

Why wait?
Why not implement the infamous doctrine of preemption and carry out 'Operation Earthquake' based on the kind of reliable evidence that gave us the Iraq war?
Or simply do as Jewish Zionists did in 1956, concoct a story, garner Muslim support and take back the land they robbed in 1948.
With Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia and now Turkey ready and willing, there seems no time like the present to bring an end to the what many have described as the greatest calamity to befall us in the 20th century.


Bueno, no quiero ser amarga, pero me parece que se está acercando el momento propicio para que estos sátrapas reciban otra dosis.
Porque si la retórica árabe se vuelve cada vez más belicosa, y siguen así de estúpidos, Israel no va a tener más remedio que enviarlos impiadosamente a la prehistoria, pero esta vez no va a necesitar seis días, sino seis minutos.

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