20 de enero de 2010

Libertad económica

Bueno, salimos 135 de 179 países. Una pinturita.
La peor nota no es en corrupción, es en derechos de propiedad:

The executive branch influences Argentina’s judiciary. The courts are notoriously slow, inefficient, secretive, and corrupt, and many foreign investors resort to international arbitration. In November 2008, the government seized more than $25 billion in private pension funds to replenish the public treasury. Patent protection is problematic, and pirated copies of copyrighted products are widely available. Government manipulation of inflation statistics has caused foreign and domestic bondholders to lose billions in interest payments.

2 comentarios:

Fede dijo...

Chile décimo...acá nomás, cruzando la cordillera. Qué envidia, la puta madre.

Rothbard dijo...

Con el modelo brasilero avanzaríamos un par de puestos... piénsenlo