Khamenei, whose public statements should be taken seriously, is promising some sort of devastating 'punch' against the West on Thursday the 11th, the same day as the Green Movement is calling for a monster protest against his regime.
What might he have in mind?
I don’t know; they say a lot of things just for effect, but threats/promises from the supreme leader have a certain standing.
If I were an Israeli official, I’d recheck my information on Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad.
Some think he’s preparing some kind of attack against Israel.
Surely there has been no shortage in recent weeks of nasty language against the Jewish state.
Here’s Foreign Minister Mottaki a day ago: 'Iran is facing a mad nation led by insane people. This is the reason why all of us in the region -in Syria, in Lebanon, and the Palestinians- must be prepared constantly for any crazy operation against us'.
Other Iranian leaders have spoken of the 'inevitability' of Israel’s destruction.
Maybe they have something in mind.
Michael Ledeen
Bueno, que hagan lo que quieran.
Lo único que les pido es que después no se quejen.
Tehilim 23:5
Aderezarás la mesa delante de mí en presencia de mis angustiadores, ungirás mi cabeza con aceite, y mi copa estará rebosando.תערך לפני שׂלחן נגד צררי דשׂנת בשׂמן ראשׂי כוסי רויה
ta`arokh lephânay shulchân neghedh tsorerâydishantâ bhashemen ro'shiy kosiy revâyâh
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