26 de febrero de 2010

Some letters

Argentina is not interested in discussing oil

SIR – Following the restoration of diplomatic relations with Argentina in 1990, a series of confidence-building measures were put in place by the Foreign Office. Among other subjects, these included a joint oil commission concerned with possible development of the maritime area on the continental shelf between the Falklands and Argentina.

Sadly, Argentina withdrew from all these initiatives some three to four years ago. This confirms that it is not really serious about discussions, unless they are about sovereignty, which is not negotiable.

Viscount Montgomery
London SW1

SIR – Is Argentina once again ready to pull an unpopular British government back from the jaws of electoral defeat?

Steve Axtell
Schiedam, Netherlands

SIR – Roger J Arthur (Letters, February 22) is wrong to suggest that Conqueror may be lurking in the South Atlantic. She would not be able to see much, as one of her periscopes is sitting on my bookcase.

In July 1988, I was returning a yacht from the west of Scotland to Northern Ireland, when, in the middle of the night we were sunk seven miles offshore. We were later told that Conqueror’s periscope had struck us.

When she was broken up, the Royal Navy kindly sent me this souvenir.

E. Peter Mosley

SIR – Knowing the preference of Falkland Islanders for being British, why is supposedly the best hotel in the Falklands still called Malvina House Hotel?

Alan Holbrow
Croydon, Surrey


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