5 de mayo de 2010

5 de mayo

Con permiso de mis cobloggers.

by Judy Burnette

Dad...so many images come to mind
whenever I speak your name;
It seems without you in my life
things have never been the same.
What happened to those lazy days
when I was just a child;
When my life was consumed in you
in your love, and in your smile.
What happened to all those times
when I always looked to you;
No matter what happened in my life
you could make my gray skies blue.
Dad, some days I hear your voice
and turn to see your face;
Yet in my turning...it seems
the sound has been erased.
Dad, who will I turn to for answers
when life does not make sense;
Who will be there to hold me close
when the pieces just don't fit.
Oh, Dad, if I could turn back time
and once more hear your voice;
I'd tell you that out of all the dads
you would still be my choice.
Please always know I love you
and no one can take your place;
Years may come and go
but your memory will never be erased.
Today, Jesus, as You are listening
in your home above;
Would you go and find my dad
and give him all my love.

4 comentarios:

El enmascarado) dijo...

¡Muy bueno! Yo perdí a mi padre a los 18 años y podría suscribir cada una de las palabras del poema.


Klaus Pieslinger dijo...

Muy lindo homenaje.

Carlos dijo...

Realmente conmovedor para los que no tenemos a nuestro padre.

BlogBis dijo...

Really nice.

Mi viejo murió hace 21 años. Y casi no pasa un día en que no lo tenga presente.