10 de octubre de 2010

Presentación en sociedad

Kim Jong-il’s Heir Attends Parade

SEOUL, South Korea — The North Korean leader, Kim Jong-il, attended a massive military parade with his youngest son and designated successor on Sunday as the ruling Communist regime celebrated the 65th founding of its Workers’ Party.

The son, Kim Jong-un, wearing a dark suit despite his recent promotion to four-star general, watched the festivities and reviewed squads of goose-stepping troops with his 68-year-old father and other senior politicians and generals. The event was held in Kim Il-sung Square, named for Kim Jong-un’s grandfather, the founder of the North Korean state.

Video footage from the celebration in Pyongyang, the North Korean capital, showed tens of thousands of performers and soldiers arrayed in what was said to be the largest such event in the country’s history. For the first time, a few dozen Western media organizations, including some American outlets, were allowed to attend the festivities and report live from the square.

He ahí al heredero al trono norcoreano. Si existiera alguna clase de oposición en Corea del Norte, le cabría un buen "a vos no te va tan mal, gordito" al rechoncho hijo de Disco Kim.

Por otro lado, al Querido Líder no se lo ve muy sano que digamos. Se entiende el apuro por el tema de la sucesión.

6 comentarios:

Massa dijo...

Kim Pyong-un no dura ni 5 años en el trono. Tiene una cara de gordito suavezon... los generales se lo van a devorar (in more ways than one).

Victor dijo...

El sueño de Moyano. Lo acabo de leer acá: http://www.bbc.co.uk/mundo/noticias/2010/10/101009_corea_norte_desfile_militar_65_aniversario_fp.shtml

El partido de "los trabajadores" je...

Mayor Payne dijo...

Capaz que eso explica la cara de felicidad del general entorchado que tiene al lado, Massa.

Víctor, no me sorprendería que Moyano tome nota de lo que pasa en Norcorea, ahora que tiene a sus propios herederos...

Andy dijo...

Qué parecido a Máximo K!!!!

Massa dijo...

Siguiendo mi comment de arriba Andy, es parecido a Maximo K "in more ways than one"... (hint hint). Preguntale a Juan Cabandie.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Recomendado dijo...

Oh my dog, WHAT THE FUCK?
¿Como pueden existir estas cosas en el siglo XXI?
Que alguien los mate.