21 de noviembre de 2012

El 17D

Transcript of a Press Briefing by Bill Murray, Deputy Spokesman, External Relations Department, International Monetary Fund
Washington, D.C.
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Okay. Let me just turn to the media center. A journalist is asking the following questions, an Argentina question:

Last September, the IMF Executive Board met to consider reports on Argentina’s progress in implementing the remedial measures to address the quality of the official data. The deadline is December 17th. Does the IMF know if there are any improvements since September?

Thanks for that question. Very briefly, there’s a process right now that is underway. That process is centered around our 24-member Executive Board. As noted in the question, our Executive Board is currently scheduled to meet on December 17th to consider the issues surrounding the quality of Argentine economic data, principally inflation data. We will obviously make public any kind of Executive Board findings that may happen around that time, but until then, it is incumbent upon us to keep the process within the context and the confines of our Executive Board. We’re not going to really be elaborating on their deliberations until they actually take place. That’s where we stand on Argentina.

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Es evidente que si este gobierno fuera "serio" deberia atender mas al 17D que al 7D. Al pais le importa mas el primero que el segundo. No porque la libertad de opinion no sea importante, sino porque la misma se ejerce dentro del mundo conocido, pero el 17D + 1 = 18D podemos estar fuera del mismo, quedar reducido a un pais paria. En ultimo termino el FMI, no nos esta pidiendo que apliquemos sus politicas, nos esta pidiendo que no digamos mentiras.

Unknown dijo...

Si el 7D les sale bien, el 90 % del país que NO se informa mediante el acceso a fuentes on line independientes y desconoce el idioma inglés, no se enterará de nada.
Y quienes lo transmitan, por acceder a esas fuentes , serán los oligarcas golpistas más preocupados por lo que piense el IMF que por los problemas del pueblo argentino. Funcionó hasta ahora. No van a cambiar. Igual no sabrían como.