27 de enero de 2017

Los unos y los otros

Louis me manda esta caracterización:

If you're more offended that Donald Trump once said the word 'pussy' than Bill Clinton getting blow jobs in the Oval Office by a 21-year old intern...

If you can listen to Madonna, Miley Cyrus, and Lady Gaga complain about how Trump degrades women and not burst out laughing...

If you think a person's gender is fluid but sexual preference is permanently fixed...

If you think the NY Times is biased in favor of conservatives...

If you believe Russians hacked the election, but there's no need to investigate the possibility of voter fraud...

If you believe Russians hacked the election, but have no problem with the Clintons making deals to sell American uranium to Russian oligarchs...

If you believe that the Palestinians are entitled to a homeland, but the Israelis aren't...

If you punch someone in the face while you're wearing a "Love Trumps Hate" T-shirt...

If you want the government out of your bedroom while demanding free birth control...

If you can voice your presidential assassination fantasies in public without fear of consequences...

If you demand to be taken seriously while dressed up in a twat costume...

If you think Lena Dunham is attractive but Melania Trump is not... 

If you think requiring ID is racist, but thinking blacks are too stupid and incompetent to attain any ID is not...

If you think every man is a rapist, but if he puts on a dress your daughter is perfectly safe with him in a locker room…

If you believe that cops are mostly corrupt and violent and racist, but you also believe that they're the only people who should be allowed to have guns...

If you love to gloat about how "dumb" Americans are, while insisting that our public school system is perfect and can't be improved (except by throwing more money at it)...

If you think "piss Christ" is an important artistic achievement, but "piss Mohamed" is a hate crime…

If you think kids can decide what gender they'll be, but won't let them decide what do eat for lunch…

...you might be a Democrat!

Sin embargo, me parece que el antitrumpismo en construcción no sólo está marcado por esos ejes, hay un repudio a los modales y las actitudes del Naranja más allá de lo partidista.

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Los demócratas y la progresía de EE.UU. en general están horrorizados por el hecho de que se encontraron con un contrincante que apela a los mismos golpes bajos y chicanas berretas que ellos. No saben cómo reaccionar.

Anónimo dijo...

Esto dijo el 21 de julio del año pasado


Y está cumpliendo

Massa dijo...

Como puse en Twitter:
The left will run out of superlatives about Trump soon. They are exhausting the Hitler trope and it's only week one.

Estan adormilando a la gente, para que despues "Hitler" no sea un insulto que mueva a nadie. Van a tener que inventar el "SuperHitler" si ya a la semana 1 se cansaron de decirle de todo menos lindo.

Y el tipo lo UNICO que hizo hasta ahora fue CUMPLIR sus promesas. Un capo.

Anónimo dijo...

¡Se te extrañaba por acá, Massa!

Sí, no lo podemos negar: cumplió con sus prómesas, lástima que una de ellas tiene que ver con salir del Acuerdo Transpacífico, si bien prefiere tratados bilaterales en lugar de acuerdos multilaterales.

Con el resto de las medidas regulatorias y la apertura del oleoducto Keystone XL, todo bien.
