15 de diciembre de 2012

Feliz navidad la casa está en orden

La Camara de apelaciones de New York
El tribunal del mar

Y ahora el FMI

Transcript of a Press Briefing by Gerry Rice, Director, External Relations Department, International Monetary Fund
Washington, D.C.
Thursday, December 13, 2012

QUESTIONER: I would like to ask about Argentina. The deadline this Monday and I would like to know whether the IMF has received recently any information from the Argentine government and whether the board meeting will take place on Monday which is the deadline, because you said last briefing that there was no date yet for the board meeting. Thank you.

MR. RICE: Thank you for the question. I'd like to be clear on this because you've mentioned deadlines. To be clear, as our Executive Board said in September, the Managing Director is required to report to the board by December 17 on Argentina's response. There will be a report to the board on Monday, December 17. There will then need to be a board meeting. That board meeting will not be on December 17. In fact, the date of that board meeting is not yet set. But at a later date there will be a board meeting to discuss the report that is submitted on Monday, December 17, to clarify those things. Again, we don't have a date for you yet in terms of when the board would meet to discuss that report.

QUESTIONER: This year?

MR. RICE: I don't have a date, but I wouldn't expect it to be this year.

QUESTIONER: And the IMF has received nothing from the Argentine government so far on this topic?

MR. RICE: I don't have any details on the contents of the report that is going to be submitted, so I don't have much for you beyond what I'd said.

QUESTIONER: A quick follow-up question on Argentina. Could you elaborate a little bit about what the next steps could possibly be as far as the procedure goes? Once the report is submitted, what would happen next?

MR. RICE: On Argentina, I wouldn't want to preempt that board discussion or any board decision so that I don't have anything further on that except to say as the Managing Director has said in the past, we stand ready to continue to cooperate with the authorities with regard to the issue of the official CPI and GDP data. We stand ready to continue to cooperate.

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