29 de julio de 2007

Occidente no puede abandonar Afganistán

Las razones son muy sencillas, pero de gran significancia: las mujeres aprenden a leer y escribir, las ninyas acuden masivamente a las escuelas.

La cultura, los conocimientos son la llave de la libertad. Y de su uso consecuente. El radicalismo islámico (cualquier radicalismo enajenante) se cura vía formación personal.

According to Ghafoori, more than 50,000 women have participated in literacy courses over the past three years, compared to just over 15,000 men. Herat has 6,000 literacy centres scattered throughout its towns and villages, and the effort has pulled in more than 5500 teachers.

“When the women are able to write and read, they will be able to know and defend their rights,” she said. “When we were living in Iran, as refugees, we learned a different kind of family and social life.”

Sources at the Herat education department have said that 50 per cent of the more than 600,000 children at school are girls. This is in sharp contrast to some other parts of the country, such as the south, where girls make up no more than ten per cent of students.

But problems remain. Many families are still unwilling to let their wives and daughters out to go to school, and women have few resources with which to resist. Fuente.

No debemos abandonar a estas ninyas y mujeres!

2 comentarios:

Fernando R. R. dijo...

¿ninyas? ¿sería una especie de ninjas femeninas muy jóvenes?

Luis I. Gómez dijo...

:) No, son cosas de no tener un teclado en espanyol.
