Argentina have had a disastrous string of bad presidents since the last 192 years. This corrupt, not cleaver, stupid political class hampered the Argentinean development for decades. Given de education level of its population and the natural resources, Argentina should be a developed nation today. However it isn’t, it is far from being developed. Chile (with significant less resources) have already overtaken Argentina years ago.cerrillos wrote:
July 18, 2008 13:43
The only possible solution I see: return to “Liga Federal” or “Liga de los Pueblos Libres”.
This country was created by the independence hero of Uruguay José Gervasio Artigas. The “Liga Federal” was formed by the today Argentinean provinces: Córdoba, Corrientes, Entre Ríos and Misiones and Banda Oriental (Uruguay). This country lasted just five years. It was created to fight the Buenos Aires centralism and corruption in 1815. Sadly, with the complicity (betrayal) of Buenos Aires, the newly formed country was invaded and defeated by Portugal (after a 5 years war).
I think the only solution for Argentina is to join Uruguay again and leave the Buenos Aires corrupt political class behind once for all. The new formed country could have its new capital near the current Argentinean Uruguayan border. At the beginning, in order to clean the dirty Argentinean politics, the only authorized political parties should be Uruguayan parties (Colorados (liberals), Blancos (nationalist) o Frente Amplio(left), Argentineans interested in politics (particularly if he or she is form Buenos Aires) should firs register in Uruguayan parties.
There is an additional advantage for Argentineans of this proposal: They could go for holidays to Punta del Este without having to go abroad.
18 de julio de 2008
Liga de los Pueblos Libres
2 comentarios:
- Martín Benegas dijo...
"Argentina have had a disastrous string of bad presidents since the last 192 years"
Tiene razón en varias cosas menos en eso, que alguien le comente a ese muchacho sobre la Generación del 37' y el genial Alberdi, la del '80 y que fuimos uno de los países más prósperos del mundo alguna vez. -
8:20 p.m.
Anónimo dijo...
La verdad es que este país fue grande mientras las libertades individuales fueron respetados y el estado ni se metía, es decir cuando fue gobernado por una oligarquía.
Cunado llegó la democracia "popular" lo único que conseguimos fue estatismo y totalitarismo. Y el país entró en una barranca abajo de la cual nunca se pudo parar.
Es mucho más fácil controlar un estado oligárquico que uno democrático. El que se levanta contra la oligarquía por impuestos es un patriota, el que lo hace contra la democracia es un enemigo del pueblo o sedicioso. -
9:37 p.m.