1 de diciembre de 2008

Pequeño saltamontes

El maestro Po y Quai Chang Caine

(parece que patentaron a Yoda)

- You know, Confucius used to say that people are playing a game in life called the game of black and white. And the main rule of the game of black and white is that white must win.

- Right.

- And, so when people want everything to be up or everything to be on or everything to be good or everything to be, any side of a duality, of a polarity, they set up a problem that really isn’t there, because it is a nonsensical problem. Because everything can’t be up and everything can’t be good, and in fact, these distinctions really don’t even exist. They really are just conceptual distinctions.

- True. You know, and not only that, Xianshi used to say, also to just take off of what Confucius said is, “Life is neither black nor white. It is gray.” Most of us think it has to be one way or the other, but it is always a combination. So, when you accept that, yet again, it frees you to embrace the part of the combination that is always there that is the most nurturing and that creates the most freedom and aliveness and possibility in your life. If it isn’t black or white, it is gray. So there is no winning or losing.

¿Gris clarito?

2 comentarios:

marisa lopez dijo...

El Maestro que tenia hace algunos años una vez me dijo basicamente lo mismo....
fulanita...para vos todo es blanco o negro y en la vida vas a tener que aceptar los grises...
Me guste o no, tiene razòn

Cogito Argentum dijo...

para algunos sigue siendo blanco y negro