14 de julio de 2009


Great Britain has long struggled with the highest teenage pregnancy rate in Western Europe.
Now a local government initiative in northern England is trying a new and somewhat controversial approach to sex education -encouraging teenagers to masturbate.
The ladies discuss U.K. government's plan to encourage masturbation among teens.
In a new National Health Service leaflet entitled 'Pleasure', teenagers are encouraged to exercise their right to 'an orgasm a day'.
Health promotion experts advocate five portions of fruit and veg a day and 30 minutes physical activity three times a week.
What about sex or masturbation twice a week? says the leaflet, which Sheffield's Primary Care Trust has circulated to parents, teenagers and youth workers in and around the city.
The leaflet has caused quite a stir.
Many people say they believe it will encourage teenagers to engage in underage or unsafe sex.


Bueno, creo que aún no estamos listas para eso en estas tierras de promisión.

5 comentarios:

José Luis dijo...

Pero mirá qué bien.

Bugman dijo...

Cuando era cadete del Liceo Naval, el médico nos decía:
"Una vez por mes, es una dejadez.
Una vez por día, es una porquería.
Una vez por semana, es cosa sana".

Rāḥēl Reznik dijo...

Mi querido Sr. Bugman, Ud, debe saber que no estamos programadas para eso.

Andy dijo...

Derecho a "un orgasmo por día"?????es un derecho civil, social, humano????
Y si no se cumple???
Ante qué juzgado pedimos recurso de amparo????
Habeas Orgasmum???

DesdeIsrael.com - Comentarios dijo...

Raquel, eres deliciosa (maliciosa) ...mente incorregible! me encantó la imagen. ;)
