22 de julio de 2009

On the warpath

A key minister in the Israeli government criticized U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's statement on Tuesday that Washington would provide 'a defense umbrella' for its allies in the Middle East in the event that Iran develops nuclear weapons.
Dan Meridor, Israel's minister for secret services, told Army Radio that the comments imply a willingness to reconcile with the eventuality of a nuclear-armed Iran.
'I heard, unenthusiastically, the Americans' statement that they will defend their allies in the event that Iran arms itself with an atomic bomb, as if they have already reconciled with this possibility, and this is a mistake', Meridor told Army Radio.
'Now, we don't need to deal with the assumption that Iran will attain nuclear weapons but to prevent this'.


Bueno, de Hussein O no puede esperarse otra cosa, así que los submarinos israelíes cruzaron el Canal de Suez y ya están en el Golfo Pérsico.
Un Dolphin emergió del agua frente a los bañistas en Eilat, el puerto israelí en el Golfo de Aqaba, en el Mar Rojo.
Otro ha sido avistado en el Mediterráneo.
Los demás... imposible saberlo.

1 comentario:

super dijo...

Pero es una guerra de nunca acabar porque no se puede ganar.
Un video: