9 de septiembre de 2009

Myths About Israel

Myth 1: 'Israel was created because Europe felt guilty about the Holocaust'.
Myth 2: 'European Nations Gave the Jews a Land Already Inhabited by a People'.
Myth 3. 'The Creation of Israel Denied the National Rights of the Palestinian People'.
Myth 4. 'Israel is an Artificial Entity and Racist Jewish State'.

Bueno, un excelente y meduloso artículo que amablemente me mandó Klaus, y que puede leerse aquí.

Muchas gracias.
PS: en serio, de atropellada que soy, recién me doy cuenta que Klaus tenía pensado él mismo hacer el post. Me pregunto si me perdonará. :(

3 comentarios:

Klaus Pieslinger dijo...

Bueno, a mí me extraña que aún te preguntes esas cosas :)

Pedro Anibal Mansilla dijo...

Ahi dejo algunos datitos salteados que debia sobre el tema del agua en Israel

Knesset to form State commission of inquiry on water crisis

Israel's Water Problems

Delusion of desalination

Klaus Pieslinger dijo...

Del link #3, un comentario (#29) del mismo autor:

29. #28 May I suggest historical accuracy?

You should check your historical facts.

1. There was no need for Irael to take the "West Bank" to acquire the water in this area as it flowed naturally into its pre-67 territory anyway (see #24 above)

2. While it might be claimed that Israel initiated a (justifiable) preemptive strike against Syrian and Egypt, this was certainly not the case against Jordan which attacked Israel at its own initiative (despite of being beseeched not to) and thus lost the "West Bank" and access to its water resources This would not have happened had it refrained from hostilities (as, by and large, it did in 1973 and thus remained unscathed).

3. It was the Syrians who tried to divert the head waters of the Jordan and to deprive Israel of them -- well before the 1967 war. This attempt was thwarted by Israeli military action before Syria lost the Golan and thus in1967 these waters continued to flow into Israel. Accordingly, there was no need to initiate war to gain use of them.

4. What "water motive" could there possibly be for attacking Egypt who by international law had committed an act of war against Israel by closing the international navigation routes in the Red Sea??? I am sure that you will agree that taking the parched Sinai desert did little to increase Israel's water resources

5. Even if Israel relinquished all the "West Bank" and Golan, it would still have valid claim to the all the water it has today on the basis of well recognized international principles including "Prior Use". Moreover, as previously mentioned, in the absence of Arab actions to deprive Israel of these waters, they would flow into Israel anyway. But would you recommend that it trust the Syrians and the Hamas to respect this right and indeed refrain from depriving Israel of the water to which it has a valid claim???

Martin Sherman (04.27.07)