8 de septiembre de 2009

Sociedad de bienestar

Sweden should think long and hard about who we let into our country. In what way does it benefit Sweden to give people who have no love or respect for our way of life a permanent permit to stay? In what way did Sweden become a better country for not standing up to the barbaric views and practices of an “honor culture”? Why continue to bring in people from cultures that so far create so many problems? It’s bizarre to continue to do everything the same way, year after year, and then wonder why things go wrong.

Sweden: a no-go zone in the making (Vlad Tepes)

Sobre los incendiarios que desde hace ya un mes mantienen varios suburbios de Suecia en vilo.
Y la integración?

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Despues se preguntan de donde salen fenomenos como el nazismo.

Cogito Argentum dijo...

tendran tiempo de revertir todo esto? o se necesita una Cruzada?