26 de octubre de 2009

Bloqueo egipcio a Gaza

Egyptian security forces said on Sunday that they discovered and seized a major weapons cache and arrested a suspected smuggler in near the border with the Gaza Strip.
Egyptian security officials said police stopped the suspect when he was driving in the area. The suspect, Ahmad Abu Maleeh, 30, from the Egyptian side of the city of Rafah, told interrogators that he had just driven another smuggler to tunnel in the area.
Security forces also discovered a tunnel in the same area, and confiscated what they said was a large quantity of firearms and ammunition.
The officials said that the security presence in the area was increased as a result of the discovery.
Meanwhile, Israel informed Egypt that Israeli border guards arrested 32 African migrants who managed to cross the Sinai border into Israel, officials said.
The Africans crossed south of the Kerem Shalom crossing point, Egyptian officials said.


Pese a que Egipto ha encontrado e interceptado el contrabando de miles de toneladas de explosivos y armas en su frontera con Gaza en los últimos meses, los medios de comunicación occidentales rara vez hablan de estas cosas.
Por el contrario, la progresía buenista insiste que el tráfico a través de los túneles de Rafah consiste en el envío de inofensivos bienes de consumo para aliviar el cruel e inhumano 'bloqueo israelí'.
La imagen es del amigable paso de Rafah, entre Egipto (árabes) y Gaza (árabes palestinos).

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