26 de octubre de 2009

World's unity

Why are Israeli doctors being deliberately excluded from the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Conference held in Egypt? Did Susan G. Koman for the Cure, the world's largest breast cancer advocacy organization enable this act of anti-Semitic exclusion?
According to INN, the Susan G. Komen for the Cure conference on breast cancer awareness, hosted in Egypt has been touted by international news networks as an example of 'unprecedented cooperation' in the region.
However, Israeli doctors were told at the last minute that their invitations to participate had been rescinded.
Ignoring the deliberate exclusion of Israel, Egyptian Doctor Mohammed Shaalan claimed 'The week's events are a demonstration of the cooperation between countries, governments, civil society, advocates, survivors, and the global community as a whole...
It shows that breast cancer has no boundaries and reveals the beauty of the world's unity in its fight against breast cancer'.
Apparently the 'world's unity' doesn't extend to Israel, the worlds' only Jewish state.
Israel is at the cutting age of cancer research, with innovations in both diagnosis and treatment, with researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot developing a non-invasive way of identifying breast tumors using magnetic resonance imaging.
And yet Israeli doctors were specfically excluded from a conference meant to enhance regional cooperation, and a well respected American organization faciliated this exclusion.


Bueno, hagan como quieran, pero no se olviden el 60% de las mujeres egipcias a las que les diagnostican un cáncer de mama el tumor está avanzado, y las posibilidades de tratamiento son obviamente muy limitadas.
Una prueba más que el odio supera la razón, e incluso la propia conveniencia.

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