27 de octubre de 2009


The Jerusalem Police on Sunday arrested Yoel Kreus, the 'operations officer' of the Eda Haredit, a staunchly anti-Zionist haredi communal organization, for allegedly assaulting a woman in the Meah Shearim neighborhood after she refused to cross the street at his command.
A spokesman for Eda Haredit said 'Rabbi Kreus never laid a hand on anyone'.
According to initial investigation, Kreus spotted the woman walking on one of the neighborhood's streets and instructed her to cross over to another street.
When she refused, he allegedly assaulted her, spraying her with mace.
The woman did not require medical attention and called the police.


Bueno, les confieso que esta gente me tiene harta.

1 comentario:

daniel - דניאל dijo...

Nos tienen hartos a TODOS Raquel