26 de octubre de 2009

The Tomb of The Matriarchs

vattêre' lê'âh kiy `âmedhâh milledhethvattiqqach 'eth-zilpâh shiphchâthâh vattittên 'othâh leya`aqobh le'ishâh
ותרא לאה כי עמדה מלדת ותקח את זלפה שׂפחתה ותתן אתה ליעקב לאשׂה

Cuando Lēʼāh vio que había dejado de dar a luz, tomó a su sirvienta Zilpāh y se la dio a Yaʿaqov por mujer. Parasha Vaietzé 30:9
In Jewish tradition, Zilpāh is believed to be buried in the Tomb of the Matriarchs in Tverya.
Leah's handmaid Zilpāh, Rāḥēl 's handmaid Bilhāh, Mōšeh' mother Yôḵāḇeḏ, Mōšeh' wife Ṣippôrāh, Mōšeh' sister Miryām and Ahāron's wife Elisheba -the daughter of Amminadab - עמינדב- are believed to be buried in this tomb which is surrounded by a stone-wall.

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