12 de noviembre de 2009

La extrema izquierda -como siempre- no tiene vergüenza

The IDF is far more than just an army.
It is a social mechanism (perhaps the only one of its kind) where nearly all of Israel's diverse social, economic, cultural and religious groups are thrown together for an extended period of time and allowed to get to know one another.
This isn't necessarily the melting pot people might imagine it to be.
But it does allow people to get to know one another rather intimately who might otherwise go through life having only rumors and hearsay with which to judge 'those people' (whoever those people might be).
By forcing the army -a body made up of conscripts, not volunteers like the police - into a policing role against one specific segment of society, the government took one of the only unifying elements of our fragmented nation and divided it against itself.
And in my opinion, this was not done accidentally.
It was done to deliberately create a situation where rightists - a group which, ironically sends a far higher percentage of its population to field/combat units than the left, was forced to make a choice between forcefully confronting their ideological brethren... or being labeled disloyal citizens.
And here again with today's story we have the left playing the 'disloyalty card' against the right.
Apparently leftists can refuse to serve in the army, refuse lawful orders based on disagreement with operational objectives, glorify draft dodging and even interfere with ongoing military operations (e.g. Machsom Watch or the moonbats carrying out nearly daily violence against security foreces near the village of Bi'ilin)... and it is considered an honorable matter of conscience rather than proof of disloyalty.
But let rightists resist evacuation, stage violent protests or suggest that soldiers express individual opinions... and lookey here, we have us some disloyal citizens!
As I stated earlier, political sentiments such as those expressed by the Shimshon soldiers -regardless of whether I agree with them- are best be left to civilians to give voice.
But hearing Peace Now and their ilk attacking the very behavior they pioneered... well, I have to call bullsh*t on that, and on anyone who subscribes to such a shameful double standard.


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