21 de diciembre de 2009

Mirá vos

Cairo - Palestine Press - sign Egyptian international astronomical researcher, Dr. Syed Mohammad Ali, known as the 'astronomical level' in the predictions of astronomical events in 2010 to begin the countdown to the end of Israel during the 10 years beginning in 2010, pointing out that Israel is the age of 70 years before them 60 years and it will disappear during the next ten years.
And the failure of the Turkish mediation between the parties to the conflict in the Middle East, and to have in 2010 is the year of rapprochement between Syria and Lebanon.
He predicted that Israel is witnessing disasters and calamities and the attempted assassination of one adult and politicians continue international prosecutions of the leaders of Israel, who adopted the war on Gaza and fail all the peace negotiations between the Palestinians and the Israelis and the outbreak of the Palestinian resistance and Hamas to achieve political success in the event of a large holding of Palestinian elections.

Prensa Palestina

4 comentarios:

perez dijo...

interesante reseña de los lugares donde los musulmanes hacen bolonki:


claro...despues de leer lo del link , la culpa de todos los males del mundo seguira siendo de Israel y los Judios...

Hegeliano dijo...

mojame horangel

Hegeliano dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Klaus Pieslinger dijo...

"Eventos astronómicos"?!?
Debe referirse a la astrología - seudociencia basada en la superstición y la ignorancia.