27 de febrero de 2010

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This month a young child was physically abused during Koran lessons in the city of Rotterdam. The pupil was beaten with a stick by one of the employees of an Islamic school, the man who beat the child arranges the lessons outside official school hours.

Because of the incident in Rotterdam, the previous abuses that where discovered in a mosque school in Den Hague do not seem to be an independent affliction anymore. The parliament has assigned the GGD (concerns public and mental health) to do research on physical abuse in Quranic schools in the larger cities. Though the incident is over 1.5 months old, the incident has only recently been reported. The mayor and his assistance have given report of the incident after the VVD asked questions.
Vlad Tepes

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1 comentario:

Andy dijo...

Es el método tradicional de enseñanza en el Islam, las familias de los niños lo conocen y lo aceptan, y, desde el Estado (occidental, y laico o cristiano) andá a discutírselo.... te mandan una fatwa!
PD:Niños: eso pasa por aceptar en Occidente a culturas que no distinguen entre sociedad civil, estado, y religión... pero me parece que ya es demasiadso tarde!