Benjamin Disraeli, the prime minister of the United Kingdom at the turn of the 20th century, had a special way of taking on detractors who heckled him as a Jew when he rose to speak in parliament.
'My people were kings in Jerusalem while you were still scratching around in the fields for mushrooms', he would say.
The point is, Jerusalem was the Royal House of Israel long before London or Paris had regal palaces, and before Berlin or New York even existed.
Yet it is these capitals in their arrogance that seek, almost daily, to disinvest the Jewish people from their ancient, biblical claim and connection to Jerusalem.
This is a people that for thousands of years expressed its attachment to and longing for the city by exclaiming every Passover: 'Next year in Jerusalem!'.
The city has been the capital of only one people, and that is the Jewish people.
No other nation can or should lay claim to it.
As Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu recently declared, 'Jerusalem is not a settlement!'.
It is the City of David, Solomon, the great prophets and sages of the Bible, and the city that Jesus himself prayed for and recognized as Jewish.
Even the Patriarch Abraham, 4,000 years ago, travelled to Moriah and the city of Salem to worship God.
It is from this divine encounter that the city, even the modern one, takes its name. It is Jerusalem, the city of peace and of righteousness.
In contrast, when the Ottoman Turks conquered the region and reigned over it for 400 years, they never treated the city as anything more than a backwater provincial town.
It was no one else's capital and remained neglected and broken down.
Even the Islamic legend that Muhammad ascended into heaven from here is doubtful and disputed by Islamic theologians.
Yet the great Israelite kings David and Solomon wrote magnificent eulogies to the city 3,000 years ago, and these can all be read in the poetry section of the Bible.
Israel tiene -desde cualquier punto de vista- más derecho a Jerusalem que los franceses tienen a París o los alemanes a Berlín, o los británicos a Londres, o etc.
Pero el progresismo buenista -desde la vereda de lo políticamente correcto- no lo cree así, ya sea en la UE [Eurabia] o en el Vaticano, y ahora parece que incluso en la White House.
Y con ese rollo del 'patrimonio de la humanidad' y demás bolufrases amorfas, sostienen y estimulan día y noche las tensiones, para mantener vivo el conflicto.
No tengo la menor duda que para ellos el asunto se debe haber transformado en un buen negocio.
Allá ellos entonces, pero no se olviden que la Ley lo estableció claramente.
Bueno, lo que pienso sobre el tema ya lo dije aquí, y no tengo la menor intención de repetirme.
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